To: All Staff, Collins Cannery

From: Jason McGuire, Director of Public Relations

RE: Improvements

Hello!  (I bet you were expecting me to say, “Top ‘o the mornin'” to you, and if so, then God bless.) You may notice a new name on an old office door and a new sense of zip and verve coming from the second floor.  That clickety-clack you hear at the typewriter might just be lil’ ol’ me, the newest addition to your gracious family at the Collins Cannery.  You’ve hit the big time — so big that public relations are in order!

As a longtime friend of Paul and Liz Stoddard’s, I gained an understanding of what puts the can-do in canning back when fine Mr. Roger Collins was still in school, learning all he could to take the Collins name into the 1960’s and beyond.  Now, Mrs. Stoddard has asked me to hop aboard and bring a touch of old world charm to Roger’s space-age sophistication.

Please, if you get a chance, stop by and introduce yourself.  It’s going to be a long and profitable partnership for all of us.

Remember, “When you open a can of Collins, you open a can of family.”

Like that?  Well, that’s just a taste (tee-hee) of the fine and friendly new voice you’ll be hearing right around the corner.

With a wink,

Mr. Jason McGuire