Dearest Joshua,

These will be the final words of mine that you shall read.  By the time these words reach you, the poison will have claimed me.  I will always love you and I will always love the man Barnabas was.  Tonight, you showed me a capacity for care I thought was a distant memory.  For that, I thank you.

Our son is a murderer, and for that, someone must atone.  There was little meaning to our lives.  Now, there is none.  Tragedy is now the constant rule rather than a passing exception.  In such a world, I cannot continue.  You can, and thus, you are worthy of living, perhaps because of your stalwart inability to love.  I have not the strength for that.




Dear Daniel,

In the event of my passing, please have the tower room sealed post-haste.  There is a lice infestation, and we have determined this to be the only solution.  Do not go in!

Yours very truly,

Aunt Naomi


Dear Daniel,

Take this as an example of how a man should behave, for there is a notable absence of them at Collinwood.  Right and wrong do not exist by the sanction of others. I am now to approach the bar and expose the character of those who wear the masks of goodness.  This will spell dire consequences for me, but I seize the enterprise fearlessly.  In doing so, I hope not only to render justice for Miss Winters, but to set some small example for you as a model of resolve and character.


Naomi Collins